An exhibition of posters opened at the KBSU College of Design

Release date: 13.06.2024

«What it is?» — under this name, on June 11, an exhibition of posters of junior graphic design opened at the College of Design of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after Kh.M. Berbekov.

The exhibition features 55 works by 3rd year college students on current environmental and social issues, as well as advertising posters dedicated to the college of design.

Opening the exhibition, the director of the KBSU CD, Alim Kanloev, noted that their students must constantly demonstrate their professional skills, and the format of the exhibition best solves these problems. The exhibition became the final point of a 2-week internship and academic year.

“Using a poster you can draw attention to an issue. But the form of the message in the poster should be extremely clear. The viewer must clearly understand what the author wanted to say. I believe that the poster has a relevant meaning at all times,”
– said Alim Kanloev.

The curator of the students participating in the exhibition, Aliya Makshaeva, explained:

“The main task for me as a teacher was to encourage students to be creative and to awaken interest in the world around them. The main language of communication in a poster is most often metaphor, so the works focus on this key technique of graphic designers.”
Words of congratulations to the students whose works were included in the exhibition were expressed by the head of the “Graphic Design” department of the CD, Rustam Turaev.

With their posters, young graphic artists encourage viewers to think about how to preserve the beauty of the environment and make the world a better and kinder place.