Acquaintance With KBSU Library

Release date: 12.09.2018

Acquaintance With KBSU Library

The busiest place in the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov at the beginning of the academic year is a library. Professional bibliographers and armarius introduce first-year students to book funds and electronic resources, learn to navigate competently in the information space.

As the deputy director of the KBSU Library Aimani Gerieva told, today the library’s funds are provided by the funds of three reading rooms and two subscriptions, as well as five departments of art and local history literature, rare books, educational literature of the KBSU SPO, library department at the KBSU medical college, the periodicals and halls foreign literature. All departments of the library are located in the building of the KBSU Information Center.

In order to gain access to the library funds, it is necessary first of all to register, which is carried out in the subscription department of the educational literature (KBGU Information Center, 2nd floor, room 217). When registering, the reader is given a library card that is a single document that allows to use the library’s resources and services in all subscription and reading rooms, as well as the access password to the reader’s personal (virtual) office.

Textbooks and teaching aids for students of the first courses of different directions are issued according to the established schedule. Together with the sets of books, they receive a Memo, which details the location of the library departments and the composition of their funds, the rules for using the library, the schedule of work, etc.

Acquaintance With KBSU Library

Through the virtual cabinet of the reader through the web access it is possible to obtain reference and bibliographic information on the contents of the library fund, as well as pre-order and book the literature. For the convenience of users, posters with QR codes are posted in the university departments.

For students, graduate students and university teachers in accordance with the requirements of the GEF, access to two electronic library systems is provided: EBS «Student’s Consultant» (, and EBS «IPRbooks» (, which contain textbooks and teaching aids for all fields of knowledge for VOs and ACTs, periodicals and scientific publications, including more than 40,000 editions in forms adapted to the limitations of health.

Users of KBSU library also have a unique opportunity to access the resources of the Presidential Library named after B.N. Yeltsin, which contains rare materials on the history of Russia, Russian statehood, law and the Russian language. Access to the resources of the Presidential Library is organized in the reading room of the humanities and social sciences (room number 214).

In the reading rooms, there are comfortable conditions for preparing for classes: a quiet environment and the availability of a wide range of books and scientific journals, automated workplaces for readers and access to Internet resources using Wi-Fi technology, which allows you to obtain the necessary information at the same time on different media and to the maximum extent.

Information on electronic resources, access to which is provided to KBSU users, is regularly posted on the library’s website (http: //

“The availability of an effective information environment in the university, the large role in which the library belongs, is one of the main conditions for its successful educational and scientific activity. Our library complies with all state standards and requirements for the completion of literature”, — noted the deputy. director of the KBSU library.