According To Russian Public’s Opinion, KBSU Is In 100 Best Higher Education Institutions

According to the results of research conducted by the Department of Statistics and Expertise, LLC EXPTMEDIAGRUPP, Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov became the winner of the All-Russian National Competition «100 Best Educational Institutions of the Russian Federation — 2018».
During the year, there were polls about the quality of educational services among individuals and legal entities on the busy streets of regional capitals, educational exhibitions, in large shopping centers and by telephone, as well as electronic questioning on the website EXPERTMEDIAGRUPP. In Russia as a whole, over 32 thousand respondents were surveyed, and KBSU was in the first hundred of survey leaders. During the study, the quality of educational services, the professionalism of the staff and the well-deserved reputation of the university were noted.
The laureates of the competition are awarded a laureate diploma and a commemorative medal of the competition, as well as the right to use the competition logo for promotional and informational purposes for one year.
The goals and objectives of the All-Russian National Competition «100 Best Educational Institutions of the Russian Federation — 2018» — identifying institutions providing the most qualified educational services, informing citizens about the best educational institutions providing the highest quality services, encouraging institutions to improve the quality of education and competitiveness of educational services.
The competition is designed to improve the quality of education in the Russian Federation, namely, the introduction of innovative developments in the field of education and the implementation of professional pedagogical activities at a high level, the creation of effective learning technologies, scientific research, the results of which are reflected in scientific publications and monographs and have effective influence on the development of the education system of the Russian Federation, the development and implementation of original programs, methods dik of learning, forms and methods of evaluating the training of students, pupils, contributing to the improvement of the effectiveness of the educational process and widely disseminated, and so on.