Information about Community Associations
Community association of KBSU is a structure whose tasks are to unite foreign students, popularize the culture of various countries in KBSU, strengthen friendship and cooperation between Russian and foreign students.

Community associations are aimed at supporting foreign students who have arrived from other countries. The main activity of the community is the protection of the rights of foreigners in various fields, whether it is educational problems, or domestic ones.

Foreign students studying at KBSU, as a rule, are united on the basis of the country of permanent residence in Community associations that are not of a political or religious nature. The chairpersons of the associations are chosen by foreign students. The community associations have as their task to assist the KBSU Administration in carrying out work aimed at: the successful implementation of the curriculum and discipline, the activation of the participation of foreign students in educational and scientific life, which contributes to the preparation of highly qualified specialists for education in the spirit of humanism, friendship and peace among peoples, to address cultural issues.
Tasks of the community associations
— protection of rights, representation of interests, implementation of students’ ideas, development and promotion of changes in the public life of KBSU, which involves foreign and Russian students
— promoting the development of foreign student associations of KBSU by highlighting their events and providing various opportunities that facilitate and / or improve their activities and organization of events; implementation of joint events and projects between foreign and Russian students
— organization and holding of cultural, educational, scientific, sports and other events, concerts, festivals, film screenings, conferences, round tables, forums, seminars, debates, etc. in Russian and foreign languages
— organization of thematic presentations and exhibitions dedicated to foreign states and subjects of Russia
— organizing meetings of students with well-known and authoritative figures of foreign states and the Russian Federation in the field of culture, politics, diplomacy, science, business and sports, as well as in other areas
— study of foreign countries and Russia in the fields of economics, law, history, foreign and domestic policy, social development, art, media, sports, everyday life, culture and other areas
— involvement in the public life of KBSU students with common interests, encouragement of initiative and assistance in the implementation of student projects in various fields

Principles of activity of the compatriotic organization of students:
democratic decision-making procedures
publicity of activity
equality of members of fraternities
observance of the legitimate rights and interests of members of the community
solidarity and cooperation of members of the community to achieve common goals

Areas of work with foreign students
assistance in the socio-psychological adaptation of foreign students to the conditions of a multicultural region and the educational process of KBSU
formation of a tolerant attitude in the communities, strengthening of cooperation and interaction between foreign students studying at KBSU and students — citizens of Russia
involvement of foreign students in all events dedicated to the anniversary events of the university, student holidays associated with important events in the life of representatives of compatriots; preparation and holding of evenings
organization of international meetings, sports events; preparing students for participation in festivals, disputes
familiarization of foreign students with the history, culture, traditions of Russia and the KBR; formation of a positive attitude towards Russian society and culture
legal education of foreign students, familiarization with the main provisions of the current legislation of the Russian Federation on the stay of foreign citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The annual festival of national cultures «FRIENDSHIP OF PEOPLES» has become a good tradition at the university. The festival is attended by students of all foreign communities of KBSU, who acquaint the guests of the festival with the peculiarities of national cultures, costumes and life of their countries, treat them with dishes of national cuisine. The festival program includes ethnological exhibitions, photo exhibitions, electronic presentations of the participating countries, concert programs.