Institute of Architecture, Construction and Design
Nalchik, Tolstoy St. 184, 2nd floor, office 207
Tel.: +7 (8662) -72-23-19
Hezhev Tolya Amirovich – director of the Institute of architecture, construction and design, doctor of technical sciences, professor. Dear guests, on this page you can find a variety of information about the Institute of architecture, construction and design, which will be useful for both teachers and students, as well as applicants and their parents, as well as graduates of our institute.
Historical background
The Institute is functioning since 1957, first under the name of «Engineering and construction faculty», from 1960 to 2015 — «Engineering and technical faculty», since 2015 — «Polytechnic institute», and since 2016 — «Institute of architecture, construction and design». Since 2017, the institute has 3 graduating departments and a college.
Institute of Informatics, Electronics and Robotics
Nalchik, Chernyshevsky St. 173/4, office 239
Working hours: Monday — Friday from 8.30 to 17.30, lunch from 13.00 to 14.00
Tel.: +7 (8662) 40-48-06 (add 11-56, management building No. 4), ( add 12-42, building No. 33)
Cherkesova Natalya Vasilievna – director of the Institute of informatics, electronics and robotics, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor of the department of electronics and digital information technologies. Dear guests, on this page you can find the necessary information that will be useful not only to students, but also to applicants and their parents, graduates, as well as employees of the university.
Historical background
The Institute of informatics, electronics and robotics was established on September 26, 2018 by merging two departments of the Institute of informatics, electronics and computer technologies, and the Polytechnic institute. The main educational activity of the institute is the training of IT-specialists (specialists in the field of computer technology), corresponding to the world level, for high-tech industries of the innovative economy of the Russian Federation.
The Institute of informatics, electronics and robotics provides a wide range of training in current areas of bachelor’s and master’s programs, recognized as priorities at the state and international levels. The institute has more than fifty educational and scientific laboratories and two innovative and scientific educational centers equipped with world-class high-tech equipment for mechanical engineering and robotics. The teaching staff of the institute includes 11 doctors of science and 39 candidates of science, honored workers of science and technology of the Russian Federation and KBR, members of various academies (Adyghe international academy of sciences, Russian academy of natural sciences, New York academy of sciences, Prohorov A.M.). The Institute of informatics, electronics and robotics cooperates closely with ITV | AxxonSoft — the Russian market leader in the development of intelligent integrated security and video surveillance systems, and many students of the institute take additional courses aimed at gaining skills and knowledge in the field of creating and working with security systems. Many students and graduate students of the institute are winners and prize-winners of various olympiads and competitions and become scholarship holders of the president and government of the Russian Federation, the head of KBR.
Higher School of International Education
Nalchik, Chernyshevsky St. 173, office 361
Tel.: +7 (8662) 40-48-06 (add 12-86)
Vakashev Asker Vladimirovich — director of Higher school of international education.
We are glad to welcome you on the page of the Higher School of International Education!
Kabardino-Balkarian State University has been training specialists from among foreign citizens since 1969. Initially, these were citizens of Syria and Jordan from among the Circassians living in these countries.
By order of the USSR state committee for public education No. 474 dated 07/09/1990, a preparatory department for foreign citizens was opened in Kabardino-Balkarian State University.
In accordance with the order of the Ministry of education of the Russian Federation No. 481 dated February 18, 2002 «On the introduction of an official list of educational institutions of the Russian Federation providing pre-university training for foreign citizens» and based on the submissions of the coordinating council of pre-university training centers for foreign citizens of the Ministry of education of Russia dated 25.04. 2003 and dated July 25, 2003, Kabardino-Balkarian State University was included in the list of educational institutions of the Russian Federation providing pre-university training for foreign citizens. In 1983, in connection with the growth of the contingent of foreign citizens studying at various faculties of KBSU, a university-wide dean’s office for work with foreign students was created.
In 2010, in connection with the actualization of the problems of internationalization and export of educational services, by order No. 21 / O of 02.02.2010, a faculty for working with foreign students was established.
An important link in the international activities of KBSU is the training of specialists for foreign countries.
Over the years of work with foreign students, KBSU has trained more than 800 specialists for foreign countries, more than 30 candidates of various sciences and 1 doctor of science.
KBSU accepts students, graduate students, interns and undergraduates for training. Foreign citizens who do not speak Russian are enrolled in the preparatory department for one year. After graduation, they are accepted to the first course of the chosen direction.
More than 1,000 people graduated from the preparatory department, more than 40 graduated from postgraduate studies, more than 20 completed internships, and more than 30 foreign citizens completed internships. The faculty for work with foreign students includes the department of the Russian language and general educational disciplines for foreign students, established in 2011 to implement the disciplines stipulated by the requirements for the minimum content and level of training of graduates of faculties and departments of pre-university education for foreign citizens.
The teaching staff of the university, including experienced theoreticians and practitioners, allows KBSU to carry out the educational process at a high level in line with new, vital, real, practical, current and future tasks of economics, production and management, to train professionals of the 21st century.
A high level of education, a flexible system of education, reasonable prices, a warm psychological climate, a developed infrastructure of the university, an interesting, rich, safe student life — all this attracts young people from around the world to choose KBSU for study.
Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Technologies
Nalchik, Chernyshevsky St. 175/10, office 11, 12
Work schedule: Monday — Friday from 8.30 to 17.00, lunch from 13.00 to 14.00
Shapsigov Albert Husenovich – director of the Institute of artificial intelligence and digital technologies, candidate of economics.
Dear applicants! Dear teachers and staff of the Institute of artificial intelligence and digital technologies, we welcome you on our page! Our institute offers modern education in the field of information and communication technologies and artificial intelligence. You will be able to master the skills of programming, technology entrepreneurship, research and project work using the latest digital technologies. The doors of our institute are open for you, information about the institute is widely presented in social networks.
The student training system is based on a deep study of fundamental mathematical disciplines, intellectual systems and information security systems, the mastery of which provides graduates with high-level qualifications and a reliable basis for further professional growth. Having received professional knowledge, our graduates occupy a worthy place in the information and economic space of the region and the country as a whole, being leaders in the digital development of their organizations. They are in demand in business and public administration, in the field of fundamental and applied research, education, healthcare, and commercial activities. Everywhere, highly professional specialists are needed who are able to effectively use information resources, be able to extract useful information and, on its basis, make an optimal management decision.
The life of the students of the institute is full of bright events — meetings, seminars, competitions — full of creativity, scientific research and unforgettable impressions.
Dear applicants! We are waiting for you and wish you good luck in all your endeavors!
Institute of Pedagogics, Psychology and Sports Education
Nalchik, Chernyshevsky St. 165/13, 3rd floor, office 304
Tel.: +7 (8662) 42-55-34, +7 (8662) 40-48-06
Mikhaylenko Olga Ivanovna — director of the Institute of pedagogy, psychology and sports education, candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor, doctor of acmeology.
Dear friends! Welcome to our institute! Here you can find information about our areas of training, about the educational and scientific activities of our staff, various educational and creative projects in which our students participate. We are always open for cooperation!
Historical background
The institute was established on April 25, 2017 by merging the pedagogical Institute and the Faculty of physical culture and sports. The history of the pedagogical institute originates from the specialty «Pedagogy and methods of primary education», which was opened in 1986 within the walls of the former Faculty of history and philology of KBSU. This decision was made by the university leadership due to the lack of primary school teachers with higher professional education in the republic. In the 1990-1991 academic year, the department «Pedagogy and methods of primary education» was separated into an independent faculty of Pedagogy and methods of primary education. Later, on the basis of this faculty, by order of the rector No. 24 / O dated 02/07/2000, a pedagogical faculty was formed, in which, along with the specialty «Pedagogy and methods of primary education», the specialties «Pedagogy and methods of preschool education», «Technology and entrepreneurship» and «Decorative and applied art».
And in 2015, at a meeting of the Academic council of KBSU, which took place on January 26, 2015, it was decided to transform the Pedagogical faculty of KBSU into the Pedagogical Institute of KBSU. In 1967, at the Faculty of medicine of KBSU, by the decree of the government of KBR and USSR ministry of defense, a department of physical education was opened. In 1972, the department was reorganized into the Faculty of physical education, later the status of the department changed, receiving a new name — the Faculty of physical culture and sports. For 49 years, the faculty has trained more than 2,500 specialists in physical culture and sports. As a result of the inventive activity of the teaching staff of the faculty, more than 70 copyright certificates for inventions were received. Since 1999, postgraduate and doctoral studies have been functioning at the faculty in the specialty 01.02.08 biomechanics. In 2001, a specialized council for the defense of candidate dissertations was opened, in November 2001, at the first meeting of the council, teachers of the faculty Bazhev A.Z., Alagirov A.K., Cherkesov T.Yu defended candidate dissertations. Teachers of the faculties of KBSU take part in the implementation of this direction, concepts for solving the following problems are being developed:
The associated development of the mental and physical abilities of schoolchildren;
Creation of training devices with artificial, automated regulation of variable resistance modes;
Development and substantiation of methods optimizing the development and improvement of the motor qualities of athletes in the conditions of using the «Machine control action».
Institute of Law, Economics and Finance
Nalchik, Chernyshevsky St. 173, building of the Institute of Law, economics and finance, 2nd floor, directorate of the institute (office 202)
Tel.: +7 (8662) 40-48-06 (add 11-57)
Fax: +7 (8662) 42-27-55
Mashukova Elena Malilievna — director of the Institute of law, economics and finance, candidate of law. We welcome you on the page of the Institute of law, economics and finance of KBSU. Here you can find information about the history of creation, development and achievements of the Institute. We hope that the content of the portal will be useful to you and will allow you to find answers to your questions in all areas of the Institute’s activities.
Historical background
1957 The Faculty of agriculture of the KBSU was created, in which the department «Accounting in agriculture» was opened. The department was later transformed into the faculty of accounting and economics. In 1994 it was transformed into the Faculty of economics.
1993 The Faculty of law was created, within which two departments began to function — state-legal disciplines, theory and history of state and law. They became the «progenitors» of the currently functioning legal departments of the institute.
2013 In October, the Institute of law, economics and finance was formed through the reorganization of the economic and law faculties of KBSU.
Status: structural, educational, scientific and administrative division of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov. The Institute carries out educational, scientific and methodological, research, educational, cultural and educational, other activities within its powers.
Mission: To promote the socio-economic, legal, scientific growth of the region through the development of intellectual potential and the intensification of innovative and entrepreneurial activities.
Strategic goal of development: Training of highly qualified competitive personnel in the field of law, economics, finance and management, who have the competencies to carry out professional and research activities in the interests of the individual, family, society and the state.
Strategic goal of development:
Organization of high-quality education in accordance with federal state educational standards of higher education and federal state requirements.
Integration of education, science and production by using the results of scientific research in the educational process and establishing mutually beneficial links between educational, scientific, industrial institutions, enterprises, innovative organizations as a single collective system for obtaining and using new scientific knowledge and technologies in education. Raising the professional level of scientific and pedagogical workers through scientific research and creative activity, using the obtained scientific results in the educational process.
Organization, coordination and development of educational, educational-methodical, scientific-methodical and research activities of the institute in accordance with the charter of KBSU.
Development of scientific potential, material and technical base, level of fundamental, exploratory, applied research, development in priority areas of science and technology and high technology products.
Satisfying the needs of the individual in intellectual, cultural and moral development through obtaining professional education based on the inseparable unity of the learning process and scientific research.
Ensuring the economic security of the institute by modernizing its structure and diversifying the sources of financing activities.
Institute of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery
Nalchik, Tolstoy St. 175 B, business incubator building
Tel.: +7 (8662) 72-20-38
Mustafaev Magomet Shabazovich — director of the Institute of dentistry and maxillofacial surgery, professor, doctor of medical sciences.
Dear applicants! Choosing an educational institution for your future profession is one of the most serious decisions in your life. It’s incredibly difficult. Studying at a medical institute is much more difficult than at other universities. You need a certain mindset, good memory and performance. Very high demands are placed on the modern doctor. He must be ready to continuously work on his professionalism — not only during his studies, but throughout his life.
In 2016, at the initiative of the rector of KBSU, professor Yuri Kambulatovich Altudov, a systematic analysis of the educational process of the specialty “Dentistry” was carried out. As part of the modernization plan, today, at the university, in the building of KBSU business incubator, an accreditation simulation training center has been created, equipped with the most modern technological equipment and materials, which allows you to fully implement the requirements of the federal state educational standard and raise the quality of graduate training to a new level, corresponding to modern requirements.
In order to fully implement the requirements of the federal state educational standard and improve the training of graduates of the specialty “Dentistry”, at the clinical stages of training, in February 2018, a network agreement was concluded with the clinical center of the IC SPC “Sea Med”. In 2018, during the state final certification and primary accreditation of graduates of the specialty «Dentistry», the state examination commission noted a significant improvement in the conditions for the state exam and the quality of the educational process in connection with the creation of the multifunctional dental simulation training center at KBSU. After analyzing the work of the multifunctional dental center for simulation training on the basis of KBSU and the clinical center on the basis of the IC SPC «Sea Med», it was concluded that it does not seem rational to work according to the departmental system.
Institute of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Nalchik, Chernyshevsky St. 175/4
Tel.: +7 (8662) 40-18-58
Kunizhev Boris Inalovich — director of the Institute of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, doctor of physics and mathematics, professor.
Dear friends! Choosing a future profession for any person is always a difficult task. And today, confidently choosing a profile of study, as well as an educational institution, is becoming even more difficult. It would seem that all universities are good, all their specialties are in demand — which one should you choose?
The world around us is changing very quickly, new ideas, technologies, and industries are coming. Therefore, today it is impossible to gain knowledge for life. You will have to study constantly. You will need to be able to adapt to new conditions. The most important indicator of a university is the quality of training of its graduates. And here the Institute of of Mathematics and Natural Sciences has a lot to be proud of. Among our graduates are famous public figures, deputies and politicians, heads of enterprises and institutions, heads of ministries and departments, regional and municipal entities.
By choosing one of the training profiles of the Institute of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, you get a unique opportunity to acquire high-quality basic knowledge and skills that correspond to the modern level and become a member of the friendly team of our institute, which opens up great prospects for you.
WE TEACH TO LEARN, WE TEACH TO TEACH, WE LEARN!!! – this is the motto of the Institute of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and we are glad to see everyone who has consciously made the right choice in favor of our institute.
We teach to learn your business: mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and geography – both school and higher; chemical technology, computer science and programming; methods of teaching them.
We teach to teach – for a teacher, the ability to find a common language with any student is the norm. We teach to understand and accept children, with their capabilities and characteristics, to develop their abilities.
I am sure that having received good knowledge at our institute, you will find your place in life, become successful and happy! Set goals and you will definitely achieve them!
Social-Humanitarian Institute
Nalchik, Chernyshevsky St. 173/4, office 301, 302
Tel.: +7 (8662) 40-48-06 (add 1158)
Tamazov Muslim Sultanovich — director of the Social-humanitarian institute, candidate of history, associate professor of the department of world history, acting head of the department of history of Russia.
Historical background
The Social-humanitarian institute is one of the largest and oldest departments in KBSU. At the origins of its formation was the Faculty of literature, which, together with the Faculty of physics, mathematics and biology, became the basis of the Kabardino-Balkarian Pedagogical institute, established by the decision of the government of the RSFSR in 1932. In the same year, the department of linguistics was created, which included teachers of the Kabardian and Balkarian languages and literatures.
Since 1934, the Faculty of language and literature has been preparing teachers of Russian language and literature, Kabardian language and literature, Balkarian language and literature, and since the 1948-1949 academic year, teachers of Russian language and literature for grades 5-10 of the Kabardian school.
In 1934, significant changes took place in the development of higher education in Kabardino-Balkaria, in the life of the institute. The growing process of the development of school education in the region, the opening of new schools caused an increase in the need for teachers for seven-year and secondary schools, which could not be provided by one pedagogical institute. Therefore, in the same year, a teacher’s institute with a two-year term of study was opened at the Pedagogical institute. In his two departments (mathematical and historical), he prepared teachers for teaching in grades 5-7.
In the third — 1934/35 academic year — the Faculty of history was formed in the pedagogical and teacher’s institutes. The structure of the pedagogical Institute during the Great patriotic war remained unchanged: it consisted of 4 faculties: literature, physics and mathematics, history and natural sciences. In the 1952/1953 academic year, the Faculty of history and the Faculty of language and literature were merged into one Faculty of history and philology.
In 1956, in connection with the increased need for the training of teachers of foreign languages for the schools of the republic, a department was formed at the Faculty of history and philology, which trained teachers of German and English. In the same year, a two-profile department was opened to train teachers of the Kabardian language and literature and Russian language and literature, and in 1957 — to train the Balkarian language and literature and the Russian language and literature. In 1975, the Faculty of Romano-germanic philology was separated from the Faculty of history and philology. Until 1996, three faculties formed the training of specialists in philological specialties: the philological faculty, the faculty of Kabardian and Balkar philology, and the faculty of Romano-germanic philology.
On the basis of these faculties, in October 1996, the Institute of philology was established, the first director of which was appointed candidate of philological sciences, associate professor Taov Hazesha Talievich.
From 2001 to 2007 the director of the Institute of philology was doctor of philology, professor Alikaev Rashid Sultanovich, and from 2007 to 2011, the duties of the director of the Institute of philology were performed by doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Haraeva Leorena Ahmedovna. Since 2011, it has been headed by doctor of philology, professor Elena Aleksandrovna Kuyantseva. Since 2015, doctor of philology, professor Kambachokov Adam Mushtagidovich has been acting director of the Institute of philology. In 1995, on the basis of the Faculty of history, the social and humanitarian Institute of the KBSU (SHI) was created, which included 4 graduating and 4 general university departments. Since 2001, SHI has been headed by H.B. Mamsirov. By decision of the Academic council of KBSU in 2010, the Faculty of arts and mass media was opened.
To ensure the educational process, the department of film and television directing was opened — the creative workshop of A.N. Sokurov and training and production studio. In 2015, the students of the workshop graduated with a degree in film and television directing. In 2015, on the basis of the faculty, an educational Internet television «KBSU TV» was created. In February 2016, the Institute of history, philology and mass media was established. The Institute of social work, service and tourism was established on February 1, 2016. It included four areas of training: “Social work” (implemented at KBSU since 1993); «Tourism» (implemented in KBSU since 1998); «Hotel business» (implemented in KBSU since 2010); «Organization of work with youth» (implemented in KBSU since 2012), for each of which there are undergraduate and graduate programs. All of them are quite young by the standards of the history of higher education, but at the same time dynamically developing. I would like to note that KBSU was one of the first universities in the south of Russia and in general, where the training of highly qualified personnel in the above specialties and areas began.
By order of September 3, 2018, the social and humanitarian Institute was formed by merging the Institute of history, philology and the media and the Institute of social work, service and tourism. Over the years of its existence, the social and humanitarian Institute has trained thousands of specialists. Dozens of graduates of the institute have become scientists, many of them work in educational and scientific institutions of the KBR and the Russian Federation, in the media, in law enforcement agencies and in other government agencies.
Since the late 1980s, close contacts have been established between the scientists of the institute and foreign universities and research centers. Of particular note is the work of professor Gabunia Z.M. at the University of Granada, the work of professor R.S. Alikaev at the university of Leipzig and his scientific internship at the International center for the history of science and culture at the Library. Duke August in Germany (Wolfenbüttel), as well as the close cooperation of the department of the German language with the Institute of foreign philology of the Jena university named after F. Schiller (Germany). There is a practice of regularly inviting foreign experts to give a course of lectures on topical issues of modern foreign philology. Students of the history, anthropology and ethnology and international relations majors have a unique opportunity to participate in archaeological excavations carried out by specialists from the state Hermitage and the state historical museum. Also, within the framework of cooperation with leading museums, specialists from the state Hermitage museum, the state historical museum and the Russian museum of ethnography give lectures to SHI students.
In 2017, a group of students from the history and anthropology and ethnology majors completed a museum internship on the basis of the state Hermitage museum.