
Release date: 08.06.2018
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Miziev Ismail Alimovich — the dean of the Medical Academy from 2015 to the present.

Medical academy yesterday, today, tomorrow

Ismail Alimovich was born on September 21, 1965 in the village Bulungu of the Chegemsky district of the KBASSR. In 1983 he entered the medical faculty of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University and graduated in 1991. After graduating from the medical faculty of KBSU in 1991, he entered the full-time residency in surgery at the Rostov State Medical university. After graduating from residency, he entered graduate school, which he completed with the defense of his Ph.D. thesis in 1996 under the guidance of professor V.N. Chernov. In the future, Ismail Miziev enrolled in full-time doctoral studies there, graduating in 2000 with the defense of his doctoral dissertation. In 2001 he was invited to KBSU, and in 2002 he was elected head of the department of faculty and endoscopic surgery. In 2003 Ismail Miziev became a professor. Since 2003 he has been the chief surgeon of the Ministry of health of KBR.

Miziev lectures on surgical diseases, thoracic surgery, oncology, endoscopic surgery, concomitant trauma. Miziev’s electronic forms and distance learning technologies are actively introduced into the pedagogical process. For the first time in KBR Ismail Miziev’s virtual technologies of education in medicine were introduced and used, which are based on electronic methods and training and simulation technologies. In 2003, the faculty department was renamed into the department of faculty and endoscopic surgery, and in the educational process, along with the introduction of surgical diseases into the treatment, endoscopic methods of diagnosis and treatment began to be actively used. In 2013, Ismail Alimovich was appointed director of the university clinic. He is a pioneer in endoscopic surgery in the North Caucasus, operating since 1994. Circle of scientific research of professor Miziev is extensive, deals with the problems of emergency surgery of the abdominal and thoracic organs, the problem of concomitant trauma, oncosurgery of the gastrointestinal tract, thoracic surgery, and plastic surgery.

Many modern methods of diagnostics, prevention and treatment of surgical diseases were introduced by him into the practice of healthcare facilities in the KBR. In 2007, professor Miziev for his merits and great personal contribution to the development of domestic medicine and healthcare, he was awarded the order of Peter the Great, I degree, and was also elected a full member of the Petrovsky Academy of sciences and arts. In the same year he was elected a full member of the Russian academy of natural sciences. Miziev Ismail is an honored scientist of KBR, chairman of the dissertation council of KBSU on surgery, chairman of the regional branch of the Russian society of surgeons, is a member of the European association of endosurgeons, the Russian society of coloproctologists, the Russian society of endoscopic surgeons, the Russian society of surgeons-gastroenterologists. Miziev Ismail takes an active part in all-Russian and international conferences, being a member of their organizing committee and organizing their holding. 9 Ph.D. theses were defended under the leadership of Ismail Miziev, he is the supervisor of 5 graduate students and 3 doctoral students, the author of more than 160 scientific papers.


Historical Background

In 1966, by order of the council of ministers of the Russian Federation of 4.03.66. No. 3131-4054 ​​and by order of the minister of higher and secondary specialized education of the Russian Federation of 03.25.66. at the Kabardino-Balkarian State University, a medical faculty was opened with one specialty “Medicine”, which provided for the training of general practitioners.

On September 1, 1966, 100 boys and girls began systematic studies at the Faculty of medicine. At that time there were only two departments: normal anatomy and biology. The teaching of the block of chemical disciplines, physics, foreign languages, social and humanitarian disciplines was carried out by the corresponding departments of the university. By that time, the university had a good base for teaching medical students in general theoretical disciplines, and there were also conditions for physical education and sports.

In 1968, a separate three-story building was allocated for theoretical and biomedical departments. During the first five years, the departments of biology and histology, normal and pathological anatomy, normal and pathological physiology, microbiology were opened, and in 1977 there were already 9 departments at the faculty. To implement the educational process and organize research work, professors from other major medical higher educational institutions were invited: Noskov N.M., Dombrovskaya E.A., Predtechensky S.A., Romensky O.Yu., Gabrilovich I.M., Lapin M.D., Dubilei V.V., Kulchinsky P.E. — scientists who had extensive experience in higher medical school, who played a positive role at the stage of formation of the medical faculty. In 1972, the Faculty of medicine carried out the first graduation: 115 graduates received medical diplomas.

For 55 years (1966 — 2021), the faculty has trained over 7,000 doctors in the specialties «General medicine», «Pediatrics», «Pharmacy», «Dentistry» (from 1993 to 2018), who successfully work in our republic, in many regions of the Russian Federation, as well as abroad. At present, they are highly qualified specialists, they head hospital departments, and manage medical institutions (hospitals, dispensaries, polyclinics). Over the years, graduates of the faculty headed the ministry of health of KBR: Kardanov Ahmed Barazbievich, Bitsuev Vadim Georgievich, Amshokova Fatimat Karalbievna, Kantsaliev Anatoly Leonovich, Shetova Irma Muhamedovna, Hubiev Marat Bashirovich, Kalibatov Rustam Mihailovich. Several generations of future doctors were lucky enough to learn the art of healing from the legendary teachers, who made a significant contribution to the development of medicine in the republic and the education of young personnel.

An extremely important area in the modern world is international cooperation. For many decades, Medical Academy of KBSU has been preparing specialists for foreign countries: Syria, Jordan, Tunisia, Palestine, Israel, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Indonesia, Egypt, Ukraine, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Moldova, etc. And since 2017, the Faculty of Medicine provides training for foreign students from India and Egypt in English. Currently, the contingent of students studying in English is 630 students.